Seattle Public 学校

Community Partnerships

Contact Information

Community Partnerships Contacts

我们定期向合作伙伴发送电子邮件,提供最新信息和机会. If you would like to be added to this email list, email us at communitypartnerships@seattle学校.org

卡的照片Rivka Burstein-Stern (她/她)
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Phone: 206-252-0688

我负责与优秀的学校和社区伙伴关系团队合作,建立强大的伙伴关系系统,使SPS能够充分和战略性地利用我们的合作伙伴社区. This includes work both internally and externally with SPS staff, community organizations, and institutional partners, such as the City of Seattle, to create aligned, 有意的, student-centered partnerships across central office, 学校, 和社区.

I am a proud product of Seattle Public 学校, 我希望我们的每一位学生都能获得我有幸获得的优质教育. 我想不出还有什么比把我们的学校和我们当地社区的资源结合起来,以确保学生和家庭得到他们成功所需的支持更重要的事情了. In my spare time I enjoy singing 1990s era karaoke, enjoying the natural wonders of the Pacific Northwest, and hanging out with my family.

Jennifer ChamberlinJennifer Chamberlin  (她/她)
Partnership Data & Systems Manager
Phone: 206-252-0518

我负责通过领导技术解决方案的开发和改进,促进学校与cbo之间的合作关系,这些技术解决方案通过数据收集支持数据知情决策, 数据共享, 数据使用.

As a Southern California native, 我很高兴能把我对教育和帮助他人的热情带到我在西雅图的新家. 我们的社区合作伙伴为家长和学生提供了丰富的机会和服务, and I am honored to be a part of helping to build and grow this community. In my spare time you can find me traveling the world, searching for the best Mexican food, and playing video and board games with friends.

苏珊的照片苏珊大厅  (她/她)
Community Alignment Initiative Coordinator
Phone: 206-252-0994

我负责协调和实施社区结盟倡议, which is a framework that supports school-based programs, particularly licensed programs, 补充和调整他们的程序,以配合核心学校日的教学和学习. This includes convening a representative group of programs, the Learning Partners Group (which has been around since 2000), to advise and provide oversight on this work.

I have been working in Seattle Public 学校 since 2000, when the Community Alignment Initiative first launched. 在SPS工作期间,我担任过许多职位,这使我对我们的工作有了独特的优势. 我对在大型城市学区工作的挑战非常有经验, 我做这份工作是因为我对它充满热情——我来自一长串教师/教育工作者,我真的相信拥有一个受过良好教育的公众的重要性.

苏珊的照片吉尔莱希 (她/她)
Partnership Alignment Manager
Phone: 206-252-0159

I am responsible for partner onboarding, ongoing professional development, 集成, and communications.  I serve as the partnership liaison to central office departments, school principals, 以及合作组织,以确保学生获得成功所需的学术和非学术支持.

我对公共教育有着深刻的承诺,在我的职业生涯中一直在倡导和支持学生. 在加入社区合作团队之前,我在十大正规网赌软件的预防和干预部门工作. In my spare time you can find me on picnics in a park, walking my energetic dog, or trying to build something. 

塞拉姆Misgano portrait

塞拉姆Misgano (她/她)
Housing Partnerships Manager
Phone: 206-715-5341

我负责管理十大正规网赌软件之间的合作伙伴关系和实施策略, Seattle Housing Authority, and other affordable housing providers. 在这个角色中, 我将专上学生资助计划和经济适用房供应商的共享资源连接起来,帮助学生和家庭获得他们渴望的教育和生活成功. 

As alumni of the Seattle Public 学校, I am excited to join the Equity, 伙伴关系和参与部门,以促进SPS的使命,成为一个更具包容性的地区,所有学生茁壮成长.  

我在密歇根大学获得了公共卫生和公共政策双硕士学位. 在华盛顿大学读本科时,我学的是种族关系和社区卫生.  


Sarah Perez Hamilton (她/她)
Partnership Systems Manager
Phone: 206-252-0794

I joined the School & 社区伙伴关系小组将于2019年10月担任新设立的职位,并致力于支持家庭计划的实施, 教育, 和学前教育承诺(FEPP) Levy以及加强与西雅图市教育和早期学习部(DEEL)一致的系统和支持. 我的工作包括支持FEPP学校和合作伙伴的专业发展和技术援助, convening relevant parties within SPS and DEEL, project management of shared work, and supporting 学校 和社区 partners to build strong, 有效的, integrated partnerships aligned to DEEL and SPS goals. 

在华盛顿大学社区参与和服务学习工作期间,我加深了对公共教育的承诺, partnership development, and early learning.  I am thrilled to be a part of the School & 社区伙伴关系团队,并与其他致力于教育正义的人一起工作. Originally from North Dakota, I attended college in Minnesota and Bellingham, WA, taught English in Istanbul, 火鸡, and now call Seattle home where I moved to in 2001. 我是一个自豪的SPS父母,有两个女儿,我每天都向她们学习,经常可以看到她们参加学校的活动, discovering local community festivals, or running (kid-free) along Lake 华盛顿.

Picture of 艾米Raridan

艾米Raridan  (她/她)
Senior Administrative Assistant
Phone: 206-252-0056

我是与社区合作伙伴共享数据的联络点,也是FERPA表格的主要审稿人. 我帮助确保合作伙伴的一致性,作为卫生和服务部门工作人员之间的联络人, 学校, 当地, and the City of Seattle’s Department of 教育 and Early Learning. 另外, 我还负责为学校和社区合作团队提供行政支持,并维护 SPS Community Partner Platform.

I joined Seattle Public 学校 in 2019. 在此之前,我在加州奥克兰为过渡性青年服务了十年. 我很高兴能利用我在教育管理和青少年发展方面的背景为西雅图的社区服务. In my spare time, I am an avid reader, an amateur baker and ice cream maker, and a cinephile who attempts to watch a movie a day.

Natalie Williams (她/她)
Sr Data Platform Coordinator

I serve on our team as the Sr Data Platform Coordinator, 支持我们的统一洞察平台的实施,以跟踪学生的支持. Unified Insights is a data tool, available to both 当地 and SPS staff, 这就建立了一个共享的历史记录,记录了学生们所获得的支持.

在我的职业生涯中,我一直致力于为西雅图地区的年轻人和家庭服务. 在加入SPS合作团队之前,我是一名学校合作伙伴. 我带来了学校社区内社区组织数据驱动协调方面的专业知识. 我热衷于培养可持续的、以公平为中心的学校伙伴关系.

Outside of work I love traveling with my family, exploring new food and restaurants, reading way too many books at a time, 偶尔也会抽出时间从事绘画和版画等创造性的活动.